1. Isaac Mizhrahi, "Fashion and Creativity" He uses an on-gong slide show of great pictures, and uses the images as he talks. He also utilizes personal photos of job, and the photos are fun and interesting. http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/isaac_mizrahi_on_fashion_and_creativity.html
2. David Griffin, "How photography connects us" He has intense photos, very artistic photos. He also has meaningful photos, such as an Afghan refugee. http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/david_griffin_on_how_photography_connects.html
3. Theo Jansen, "Creates new creatures" He takes normal every day items (plastic tubes and lemonade bottles) and creates something great. Shows how a collection of things can make one great thing do something fantastic. http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/theo_jansen_creates_new_creatures.html
4. James Burchfield, "Plays (invisible) turntables" He does not say anything, but takes his talent and makes the listener actually listen and be amazed. He also acts as if he is playing with actual turn tables, but everything is an act, all he uses is his mouth. http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/james_burchfield_plays_invisible_turntables.html
5. Beau Lotto, "Optical Illusions show how we see" Takes fun optical illusions and almost plays a mind game with the audience - very interactive. http://www.ted.com/talks/lang/eng/beau_lotto_optical_illusions_show_how_we_see.html
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