It is crazy how technology has expanded within the last few decades. It is also a bit terrifying how quickly it is growing, and nevermind the fact that it is also practically free! The internet, to a certain extent, is all free. It is easy to access the news for free because people no longer need to pay to have it delivered to their house, as well as producing pictures, watching tv shows and movies... and they are all available at anyone's fingertips. A consumer can purchase anything on the internet and they do not have to leave the comfort of their homes - and that is where the probem stems from. Having the choice to either go outside, out of your way, to buy that new t-shirt, or stay at home and go to the store's website and order it there. It is definitely an advantage, because shopping and other tasks that could take up time can now be done within minutes! However, as the movies suggest, what happens when that is all that people will do - stay at home in front of a screen, having the choice to either experience life, or experience life via the internet. A decision I would hope I do not have to make any time soon.
The internet is a wonderful tool, however, do people realize how it impacts their lives, and how intensely it can influence their lives within a matter of years? For example, the favored website facebook. It is a great site to get in touch with people, talk to people, find the old high school friend, however, all of your information is out there for anyone to see. Pretty soon privacy will not be an issue, because finding out people's moods or locations, is just a button away. Therefore, is the internet actually helping us, or slowly but surely bringing us down? Are we going to end up like the characters in Wall-E - not knowing reality, but instead too into their computer screen? Either way, the subject of technology should not be a scary subject, it should be an interesting one, yet it is terrifying to think about how in depth we could get with this new found knowledge for futuristic items.
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